Vincent C. Müller

Monday 28 June, 2021, at 16:30

Where are we going? Future progress in AI

On the question whether AI is currently on a trajectory of progress towards general intelligence on a human level, I propose that both ‘optimists’ and ‘pessimists’ are right: The optimists are right to say that we will continue to see massive progress, because what we have seen so far was based on exponential gains in speed and data (not on new insight) and these will likely continue to surprise us. The pessimists are right to say that a mere increase in speed and data will not lead to general intelligence.

Short bio

Vincent C. Müller is Professor for Philosophy of Technology at the Technical University of Eindhoven (TU/e) – as well as University Fellow at the University of Leeds , Turing Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute, London, President of the European Society for Cognitive Systems and Chair of the euRobotics topics group on ‘ethical, legal and socio-economic issues’. He was Professor at Anatolia College/ACT (Thessaloniki) (1998-2019), Stanley J. Seeger Fellow at Princeton University (2005-6) and James Martin Research Fellow at the University of Oxford (2011-15). He studied philosophy with cognitive science, linguistics and history at the universities of Marburg, Hamburg, London and Oxford. Müller is known for his research on theory and ethics of disruptive technologies, particularly artificial intelligence (AI). He has published widely on the philosophy of AI and cognitive science, philosophy of computing, philosophy of language, applied ethics, etc.


Recording of Vincent’s talk on Deutsches Museum YouTube channel